Many organizations have adopted online board meetings, and for good reason. They save time and money while providing a wider range of perspectives on the decisions. However, there are a few issues with virtual meetings etiquette that can derail the flow of discussions and reduce productivity.

To ensure a productive meeting, it is essential to keep the participants on the same page. Video is a great way to introduce participants and encourage them to keep eye contact with their cameras whenever possible. Encourage participation by asking participants to raise their hand when asked for feedback or questions. Also data-centric strategies in M&A execution be sure to remind them not to mute themselves when they are not talking to cut off background noises, such as kids and pets. Set a time limit for speaking to ensure that one person is not dominating a discussion and to discourage boredom. This can be accomplished by putting the timeframes on your agenda or by naming someone from the team to serve as timekeeper.

The board members should be given the agenda along with a list of the items they are expected to discuss during the meeting. This will help to ensure that they arrive at the meeting prepared and equipped to make informed decisions. Board members should be instructed to keep the discussion on track and avoid any tangential discussions that might not be beneficial to the agenda. It’s recommended that the minutes to be recorded to preserve the discussion and give you a instrument to review the meeting in the future. It’s also good to communicate follow-up work after the meeting. This will ensure that all issues and deadlines are met in time.

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